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65 Top Scientific instruments and Their Uses {2023}

Scientific instruments and their uses

Here in this article, we have mentioned 65 important scientific instruments and their uses. The name of these scientific instruments and their functions are important from any exam’s point of view. 

Before we know their names, we should know the meaning of the scientific instruments. A scientific instrument is a device used to scientifically measure/record/indicate the values of any physical or natural phenomenon/events/research. 

The uses of scientific instruments may be as simple as scales, and rulers, and as complex as the uses of particle colliders, radio telescopes, etc. The uses of these instruments depend on many factors and may vary in size, shape, purpose, and complexity.

These scientific devices must be useful for improving your general knowledge and reading about them would be a plus point if you prepare for any competitive examination. 

65 scientific instruments and their uses

  1. Accelerometer– An accelerometer is a scientific tool used to measure the acceleration of a body.
  2. Ammeter– It is used to measure the electrical current in a circuit.
  3. Atmometer– This instrument is also known as the evaporimeter and it is used to measure water evaporation. 
  4. Accumulator– This instrument is used to store the electrical current. 
  5. Altimeter– It is also known as an altitude meter and use to measure the altitude of the aircraft and skydiving.
  6. Anemometer– An anemometer is used for measuring the force, direction, and speed of the wind. 
  7. Audiometer– This device is used to measure the intensity of the sound. 
  8. Barometer– It is a tool to measure atmospheric/air pressure. 
  9. Barograph– A barograph is a type of barometer used to record continuous atmospheric pressure. 
  10. Binocular– It is an optical instrument used to magnify the view of the distant object and used in the telescope. 
  11. Bolometer– It is a scientific instrument used to measure the intensity of electromagnetic radiation.
  12. Breathalyzer– This device is used to measure alcohol intoxication through breath samples. 
  13. Bevameter– It is a device used to measure the mechanical properties of the soil. 
  14. Caliper– A caliper is used to measure the distance between two sides of an object.
  15. Calorimeter– This instrument is used to measure the quantity of heat. 
  16. Chronometer- It is an instrument used for measuring the portable time on the shipboard. 
  17. Cinematograph– It is a scientific instrument used for projecting film to the screen and enlarging images of the photograph. 
  18. Carburetor– This device is used to mix and charge the mixture of air-fuel in an internal combustion engine. 
  19. Colorimeter– It is used to compare the intensity of the colors.
  20. Commutator– This instrument is used to reverse the direction of the current in an electric motor or electrical generator.
  21. Crescograph– It is used to determine the growth in the plants. 
  22. Cyclotron– This device is a type of particle accelerator and uses to accelerate charged particles to high energies. 
  23. Ceilometer– A ceilometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the height of the cloud base with the help of a light source or laser. 
  24. Clapometer– It is also known as an applause meter. It is used to measure and display the intensity of the clapping or applause.  
  25. Creepmeter– This instrument is used to measure the slow surface displacement of the earth. 
  26. Densitometer– This tool measures the level of the darkness of a photograph. 
  27. Dynamometer– This device is used to measure torque, force, and power.  
  28. Dilatometer- It is a scientific instrument that measures the change in the volume of a substance. 
  29. Disdrometer– It is used to differentiate the size and measure the velocity of the raindrops. 
  30. Diffractometer– This is used to analyze the structure of a material when radiation of light interacts with the material. 
  31. Electrocardiogram (ECG)– It is a medical instrument that traces the movement of the heart, recorded on the cardiograph. 
  32. Electroscope– It detects the availability of the electric charge on a body. 
  33. Electrometer– This instrument is used to measure an electric potential difference. 
  34. Endoscope– It is used to look deep into the body and examine the internal parts of the body.
  35. Eudiometer– An Eudiometer is used to measure the physical or chemical change in the volume of the gas mixture.
  36. Fathometer– It is a scientific instrument used to measure the depth of the ocean with the help of the sound wave. 
  37. Fluxmeter– This device is used for the measurement of the magnetic flux.
  38. Galvanometer- It is an electromechanical device used to detect electric currents. 
  39. Gravimeter– This instrument is used to measure gravity or gravitational acceleration. 
  40. Glucometer– It is a medical instrument used to measure the quantity of glucose in the blood. 
  41. Hydrometer- This device is used to measure the specific gravity or relative density of water. 
  42. Heliometer– It is used to measure the variation in the diameter of the sun. 
  43. Hygrometer– This instrument is used to measure the water vapor (humidity) in the air or in soil. 
  44. Hypsometer– A hypsometer is an instrument used to measure the altitude or height of an object. 
  45. Inkometer– An Inkometer is an instrument used in the printing industry for measuring the adhesiveness of the ink. 
  46. Kymograph– A Kymograph is a medical device that is used to represent variation in physiological movements such as blood pressure with time. 
  47. Lactometer– This device is used to measure the relative density of the milk such as creaminess. 
  48. Manometer– This laboratory instrument is used to measure the pressure of the fluid.manometer
  49. Microphone– Its short name is mic or mike. It is used to convert the sound wave into an electrical signal. 
  50. Multimeter- It is an electronic instrument used to measure the current, resistance, and voltage in a circuit. 
  51. Odometer– This instrument is used on the wheel of a vehicle and measures the distance traveled by the vehicle.
  52. Ohmmeter– It is used to measure electrical resistance.
  53. pH meter– This device is used to measure the acidity or basicity of a solution. 
  54. Phonograph– This instrument is used to reproduce the sound. 
  55. Potentiometer– It is used to measure the EMF (Electro Motive Force) or potential difference.
  56. Pyrometer– This scientific instrument is used to measure the high temperature of a distant object. 
  57. Radar– This device is used to detect the range, angle, and velocity of a moving object, such as an airplane or submarine. 
  58. Rectifier– This electronic device is used to convert the alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC).
  59. Seismometer– This instrument is used to detect the motion of the earth, caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, or explosions
  60. Speedometer– This instrument is used to measure the instantaneous speed of any vehicle.
  61. Stethoscope– This medical instrument is used by doctors to listen to the internal sound of a body made by hearts or lungs.
  62. Thermometer– It is used to measure the temperature.
  63. Tachometer– This device is used to measure the rotational speed of any shaft or disc and display rotation per minute gauge. 
  64. Telescope- It is an optical instrument used to look magnified view of a distant object in space. 
  65. Udometer– It is also known as an ombrometer or rain gauge, and is used to measure the amount of rainfall. 

These were the 65 scientific instruments and their uses. These instruments are used in many sectors such as, in the medical industry, in the laboratory, in daily life, and many more.

By reading it you can enhance your knowledge. These are also would be very useful from an exam point of view. But, if you are a student, then I would recommend learning about these all. 
